The Sanctuary Mental Health Course

Led by Reverend Dimock we will gather for Dinner at 6 pm and then discussion from 7 to 8:15

This is an in person evening program.

If you are interested in a morning online offering then please speak with Reverend Dimock.

Some background information:

The Sanctuary Mental Health Course is an ecumenical (from the Greek word which means united) course for Christian communities to talk about Mental Health. Its primary goal is educational, raising awareness and reducing stigma about mental health within Christian communities. It brings together four main perspectives: Psychological, Sociological, Theological, and Existential (lived experiences). It also includes Art Reflection, Songs and the introduction of Spiritual Practices that include Silence, Self-Examen, Prayers, Lament, and Friendship. 

Each week there is a video presentation in which we will hear one person reflect on their lived experience. Specialists in Psychology, Social Work, Chaplains, and Theologians provide some reflection as well. Group discussion that follows comes from questions in the Discussion Guide and Coursebook that each participant will receive the first week.

For more information please check out the Sanctuary website at