Men's Fellowship

Open to all men of St. Andrew’s, the Men’s Fellowship provides an opportunity to get to know and support each other better as friends in Christ. We also welcome men from outside the Church.

The group normally meets in St. Andrew's Hall, the Church basement, at 6:00 pm on the last Monday of each month from September to November, and January to May. Meetings normally include a simple meal (suggested donation: $10), a short devotional, and a guest speaker. Occasionally, we have discussion evenings around some topic of general interest rather than a speaker.

Members of the Men's Fellowship respond to service requests related to a variety of Church activities and special events during the year. We also make modest donations to worthy causes from any funds we are able to raise.

New members are always welcome. For more information, or to be placed on the Men's Fellowship email list, please contact Jim Paulin, Convenor of Men's Fellowship, at

Upcoming Men’s Fellowship Meeting Dates

The Men's Fellowship will be meeting in St. Andrew's Hall on Monday,  May 27, at 6:00 pm.  After dinner (suggested donation $10), we will hear from Michael Wiggin, a retired environmental engineer.  Michael's topic will be "Thermal Networks: The Missing Piece in Decarbonization."   If you plan to attend or need a ride to the event, please RSVP to