St. Andrew's Sunday School

Sunday June 29th

Happy Summer!

What a gorgeous day to be reminded of the promises God has in store for us in these summer months.  

Bring your June Summertime Family Faith calendar to church and receive a reward!  You can also pick up a new calendar for July/August and new stickers too.  You'll find the whole calendar attached here, including July and August which wasn't sent out before.  I encourage you to take the suggestions included here to help turn your thoughts to God this summer, to try out different spiritual practices that could become daily or weekly habits for your family.  Our family has been using the scripture passages as a response in our bedtime prayers on Sunday.  Have you tried anything with the prompts?

This Sunday we have our second one group lesson of the summer.  Next week we welcome Briana and Anelsey Ngaagie to lead the lesson and I know you'll welcome them warmly.  

Stacey, Nic and I head to Uplift, the national conference of the Presbyterian Church in Canada at Brock University this week.  Please keep us in your prayers as we learn, play and grow in Christian community.

Coming up:

The congregation's annual retreat at Gracefield Christian Camp and Conference Centre is on Sept. 6-8.  You can register on the church website or through the forms at the church.  I hope you'll consider coming, even for the day, to see what a beautiful site Gracefield is and how much fun we have together there.  You can stay in a cabin, lodge or bring a tent!  Lodge spaces are very limited so make sure you register as soon as possible.

I will be on leave/vacation from July 8-Aug. 4th. 

May the God of hope go with you as you enter this season of growth and rest.

Rev. Heather Paton