Black History Month

Black History Month

Black History Month gives all Canadians an opportunity to celebrate the diversity and achievements of Black people in Canada, listen to their stories, and learn more about their history and contributions to Canadian society. It is also a time to reflect on painful aspects of that history and the distinct challenges that Black people in Canada continue to face, such as systemic barriers, racism and discrimination.
At St. Andrew’s

Tuesday, February 4 - Music as Sanctuary at 12:10pm. Ernie Cox (piano), Peter Woods (saxophone), Vanessa London and Rennatha Bernadin (vocalists).

Sunday February 23 -  We welcome Ernie back to the Sanctuary as our guest in worship. Koko Agorsangay will be sharing the work she is doing on diversity in schools at a lunch and learn.

There are also a number of books in our library that might interest you and you will be able to find them in Grant Hall during Fellowship Hour in February.

In Ottawa

There are many events for Black History Month in Ottawa
If you are interested in attending the following with others from the congregation speak with Reverends Dimock or Paton as registration is required for some of them.

Controlled Damage at the NAC, Wednesday, February 19 (a look at the life of Viola Desmond a trailblazing Canadian civil rights figure and how her act of bravery in a small town cinema set off a powerful wave of change)

Black on the Ballot: Centering Black Narratives in Public Life; February 11 from 6:00 to 8:30 pm at Carleton University